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Create an Edmodo Account

Level: One
Reward: 300 XP
Players: One


50% Create Account (100 XP)
25% Create Avatar (50 XP)
25% Customize Edmodo Profile (50 XP)
50% Complete Welcome to Edmodo Assignment (100 XP)



Create a student account on Edmodo, which is like Facebook for classrooms. We will be using Edmodo A LOT to turn in assignments, have online discussions, watch demo videos, etc.

  1. Watch this demo video to see how easy it is to create an account on Edmodo.

  2. Go to Edmodo.

  3. Under the Create your free account header, click the I'm a Student Button.

  4. Fill out the form using your school Gmail for the e-mail address and the following Group Code according to the course that you are in: Word Processing- rgsz34 or Computer Basics- yaqpkg

  5. Create a custom avatar.

  6. Complete the Welcome to Edmodo assignment by clicking the Turn In button and responding to the prompt in the post.

  7. Customize your Edmodo profile to include your learning style and career goal.


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