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This course is designed to familiarize students with computers and their applications. It will also emphasize the use of computers and technology throughout their high school, college, and future careers. Students will learn fundamental concepts of computer hardware and software and become familiar with a variety of computer applications, including word-processing, spreadsheets, databases, and multimedia presentations. Students will also investigate Internet-based applications, working with email and learning how to browse the web. Coursework also includes activities that explore social and ethical issues related to computers.


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This classroom page is designed to provide you all the deet's about this class. The links on the right will take you to my gamified missions, class documents, and lesson plans. And hey, look! A calendar. I will do my best to keep that bad boy updated with all of the assignments and when they're due.

Why do I need to know this stuff?

Predicting what lies in the future is virtually impossible, but we do know that whatever it brings, computer technology will be right in the center of it. As computer technology continues to advance and develop for both home and industry, there will be an ever growing need for computer professionals to fill the resulting job openings. Career opportunities in the computer field remain strong, and knowledge of computer technology will continue to become more and more important to workers in every field. "Many jobs obviously will demand basic computer skills if not sophisticated knowledge." (Oppenheimer 273). The more you learn about the importance of computers and the more computer literate you become, the more chances you'll have of advancement in mostly any field. So, why do you need to know this stuff? It will help you do better in high school and even increase your chances of landing a job after you finish this boring school stuff. Yay, future!

How does this class work?

99.9% of the assignments for this class will be completed on the computer. I'm working on "flipping" my classroom so that all demonstrations are recorded and available online. This will allow for the entire class to be gamified--where you can choose your own missions, go at your own pace, and completely master info before moving on. For now, Monday through Wednesday, we will work out of the book. I will demonstrate how to complete the tasks for each lesson in class and then I will give you an assignment sheet (meant to be used as a checklist) with all the assignments that need to be completed for that lesson. These assignment are not optional. Gotta do them. All done? Sweet! Then you can play my gamified extension lessons and have fun while you learn. Thursdays will be set aside specifically for catching up on assignments and completing missions in the Binary Battlefied.

What do I need for this class?

The most important thing you need for this class is to be here. Seriously, don't miss school. All assignments are done on the computer and it's hard to make that stuff up at home. You also must have a 3-ring binder, loose-leaf paper, and a writing utensil. These items will help you keep track of the insane amount of handouts you'll get and take notes so you can remember all the awesome info I shove in your head. See the class syllabus for more info.

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